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RV Homeschool Preschool Storage

The #1 question I get both on the blog and Instagram is how on Earth I store all of our homeschool preschool resources. It took me a while to figure out exactly what worked best for us, but now that I’ve finally gotten everything settled I’m excited to share with you all!

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Rolling School Cart

Easily the best purchase we’ve made for our school organization has been this rolling cart that we found at Michael’s! We’re limited on wall space in LG’s room so we needed something that could be moved around. The cart’s home is in front of her bathroom door, but the wheels are so smooth she’s able to move it out of the way any time she needs to go to the restroom. We also love having it on wheels because we can quickly move the cart out to the living area when we want to do school at the table!

The top shelf of this cart houses the main pieces of our school “curriculum”. We keep our breakfast boxes here (you can read more about breakfast boxes by clicking HERE). We also use this shelf to store our school binders and the activities we’ll be doing each week.

The middle shelf is where we keep our regularly used manipulatives. We store things like crayons, dice, links, pompoms, seasonal mini-erasers, letter magnets, etc. so that they’re always within reach. This makes getting to work so much quicker and easier!

Finally, we keep our favorite academic books and seasonal crafts on the bottom shelf. I’m admittedly not very artsy, but I LOVE a good craft! So I grab lots of seasonal crafts on sale at Hobby Lobby and store them on the bottom shelf for when we feel like having some fun craft time!

Sensory Bins

Our sensory bins storage is definitely a hot topic of conversation! We’ve tried so many different spots and I think we’ve finally found a keeper! These bins above are sitting on LG’s built-in dresser in her room. With all of the books stacked up next to them, they have a nice tight squeeze and can’t be easily pulled out. So we haven’t had any issues with her trying to pull them out without our help. But having them out in the open has encouraged lots more sensory bin play!

All of our seasonal sensory bin supplies that aren’t currently being used are stored on top of our spare bunk bed in a set of drawers. While I’d love to have them in a spot that’s easier to reach, having them there has been fine since I only switch out her bins at the end of each month.

Book Storage

These sets of drawers have been some of the handiest little things!! Most of the drawers are filled with toys. But the bottom ones house board books and we keep additional books in the baskets on top! One basket is designated for library books and books that fit our current studies, while the other holds lots of our favorites that we reread often.

I wish I could say I’ve had enough self control to only keep these books in the RV, but there are definitely more. Ha! As you can see in the photo of our sensory bins storage, there are more books on top of LG’s built-in dresser. But we also have out-of-season books in our storage area under our dining booth. I mean, can you really have too many books???

Where the Magic Happens

The final question I get often is where we actually do school. Having our rolling cart has made school time so much simpler! We roll our cart out to the living area and everything is right there for us! When we’re finished, we just roll it back to her room! Boom! We have loved using it!

While I would absolutely love to have a school room one day, living this little RV life has really helped me to see what exactly we actually need and what things we can do without. Starting off our homeschool journey in a minimalist way has been so helpful, and I can only imagine the effect it will have on how do school once we have a larger home!


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