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Homeschool 1st Grade Daily Routine and Chart for Little Learners

1st grade daily homeschool routine

It’s time to chat about one of my favorite things to plan – our homeschool 1st grade daily routine! I know it may sound crazy, but planning out the school year is one of my FAVORITE things to do! I get so excited looking at all the fun we’re going to have throughout the year!

If you’re looking for a good routine yourself, I wanted to share our homeschool 1st grade daily routine and chart with you guys! Having a routine is SO helpful for keeping us on track during our school time, and it helps LG see what to expect for the day. Following the same routine each day is a game-changer for our organization and behavior management!

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Morning Work Centers

These centers are new for us this year and we already love them! I desperately needed a LOW PREP way to help LG kick her brain in gear. In the classroom, spiral review morning work was a favorite of mine because the kiddos could begin the day with skills they’re familiar with. This helped them have confidence in their work, gave their little brains a warm-up, and allowed me to finish prepping the room for the morning!

Morning Work Packets

Our spiral morning work packets are another way we warm up for the day. They compliment the skills practiced in our morning work centers, and give kiddos a gentle start by reviewing just one Math and one ELA skill each day.

I’ve been setting both our morning work packets and our morning work centers on our kitchen bar each morning. LG grabs some breakfast and gets to work on her morning work while I do a load of dishes and/or laundry. It’s been a great way for us to BOTH ease into our school day!

Bible Study

The next thing we work is our Bible study for the week. We have used these studies for the last few years. Each one has tons of activities from sensory bins and tracing, to journals and sequencing pages. This has helped them grow with us all this time! This year, we’ll focus mostly on the journals and summary activities.

Math Activities

I don’t know about you, but we LOVE our Math time! Over the years, we’ve built quite a collection of fun manipulatives (read about our favorite supplies on the blog HERE) and we just love using them to explore our Math skills! We’ve also grown to love these workbooks! The pace is perfect for our needs, and the pages are so engaging for LG! She just loves them in addition to her Math manipulatives!

Phonics Activities

Hands-on activities may come naturally during Math time, but they are just as welcome during our Literacy time as well! There are TONS of fun ways to practice building letters and words using manipulatives like magnets, stamps, alphabet stickers, beads, and SO much fun! We love pairing manipulatives with our Phonics centers to practice decoding and spelling!

Sight Words Activities

You’ll notice in our 1st grade daily homeschool routine that all of our Phonics, Sight Words, Reading, and ELA blocks are back-to-back. This is because often, you can practice many of these skills using one activity! That allows us to check off several tasks at the same time! For example, we love hunting for decodable words and Sight Words in our BOB books. (That checks off Phonics, Sight Words, and Reading all at once!) Or, we love writing about what we read – allowing us to check off Reading and ELA!

Below, you’ll find one of our favorite Sight Words activities! You can read HERE for more information on a relaxed way to introduce Sight Words to your littles.

Reading Activities

BOB books are some of our very favorite practice books for our Reading time! They’ve been a classic for years, and I was thrilled to find these larger versions at Costco! (If you have one nearby, you just can’t beat the deal on these there.) We pull out a couple of new BOB books each week for LG to practice and by the end of the week, she’s reading them to her baby sister! It’s a WIN all around!

Language Arts Activities

I was thrilled when I first looked at our Kindergarten and 1st grade Science and Social Studies skills. We live near the most amazing zoo and museums, and almost every single skill we need to cover for those years has fun exhibits for us to visit! So this year, we’ll be doing LOTS of zoo and museum school for these subjects. We’ll also include tons of picture books from our local library and these handy little workbooks! LG loves them! We don’t complete both subjects every day, or even every week. It usually works best for us to do Science one week and Social Studies the next, unless there’s a special holiday we want to cover.

Science and Social Studies Activities

I was thrilled when I first looked at our Kindergarten and 1st grade Science and Social Studies skills. We live near the most amazing zoo and museums, and almost every single skill we need to cover for those years has fun exhibits for us to visit! So this year, we’ll be doing LOTS of zoo and museum school for these subjects. We’ll also include tons of picture books from our local library and these handy little workbooks! LG loves them! We don’t complete both subjects every day, or even every week. It usually works best for us to do Science one week and Social Studies the next, unless there’s a special holiday we want to cover.

Let’s Hang Out!

I hope this post is super helpful for you all! Following a routine is a lifesaver for us during our homeschool time, and this homeschool 1st grade daily routine is just what we needed! If you try any of these resources or find a routine that works well for you, I’d love to chat about! Let’s hang out in some of our favorite places!

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