Happy Spring, friends! We are so excited to start using our Spring activities and wanted to share some of our favorite FREEBIES with you! To grab any of the FREE Spring activities you see in this post, simply click the button below each activity and you’ll be taken to the correct sites! Happy learning!
Spring Centers – Kaitlyn | The Stay-at-Home Teacher
This FREE set of Spring printables is perfect for Preschool and Kindergarten learners! Included are 5 different centers for practicing counting, shapes, letter identification, and MORE!
Spring Syllables – Alyse | ACtoAZ
Use flowers, pom poms, gems, ect to count the syllables of these spring words. A recording sheet and sensory bin idea are included.
Alphabet Picnic – Chrystal | Super God Not Super Mom
This activity is perfect for your preschooler! Grab your favorite spring sensory bin and add the alphabet cards for a fun way to practice letter and sound recognition. This activity comes with uppercase, lowercase and beginning sounds options too!
Insects Tracing Cards – Kaitlyn | The Stay-at-Home Teacher
These insect words tracing cards are a great way for your Preschoolers to practice their handwriting while learning new vocabulary! While your little one traces the words, discuss the colors, characteristics, and habitats of the insects on each card!
Spring Counting Puzzles – Chantal | Chanty Macias
Blossom into the spring season with these Spring Counting Puzzles for PreK or Kindergarten! Your little ones/students will SPRING into fun counting by 1s, 5s and 10s.
Beginning Sounds Puzzles – Kristina | Sweet for Kindergarten
Practice identifying beginning sounds with these spring themed puzzles! Your kids will look at the picture and find the matching letter that goes with it. This would work well in a sensory bin or play a game like Memory!
Numbers Sort – Alleah | Alleah Maree
If you need a FREE, hands-on activity for your learners to practice number recognition this spring, this sensory bin is for you! This activity is an engaging way to practice identifying and writing numbers 1-12 with preschool and kindergarten students.
Let’s Hang Out!
I hope these FREE Spring activities are so helpful for you and your little learners!
I’d love to chat and get to know you better! Come hang out with us in some of our favorite places!
Such cute ideas. Thanks for sharing them!
You’re more than welcome! Thanks so much for reading!