One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in a few years of homeschool Preschool is that organization is KEY to a stress-free school experience. If I have to run around the house trying to find our various activities for the day, so much time is lost and chaos breaks out! So having all of our […]
Farm Themed Books and Activities for PreschoolersIt’s time for a new theme and we are SO excited! After finishing up our Apple Themed Books and Activities, we decided to pick a theme that would help us transition into Fall. So we picked a Farm theme! It’s the perfect theme for us while it’s not quite Fall weather outside. I hope y’all […]
Homeschool Tips
How to Plan for a Great Homeschool YearPlanning for a new homeschool year can be overwhelming. If you’re anything like me, a million different resources have caught your eye and you’re trying to figure out how you can use them all! The truth is – you can’t. But what you CAN do is strategically plan what and how you’re going to teach […]
Homeschool Tips
All You Need to Prepare Homeschool ResourcesSo you’ve figured out what skills you want to cover this year. You’ve even grabbed the materials you want to use. Next up? It’s time to get preppin’! YAY! While this part of the homeschool process can be a bit overwhelming, it’s truly one of my favorite parts! So today I want to share all […]
Homeschool Tips
FREE Monthly Preschool Plans for Little Homeschool LearnersIf you’re looking for engaging and hands-on ways to start learning with your toddlers and Preschoolers, I’ve got the perfect thing for you! Over our years of homeschool Preschool, I’ve compiled all of our favorite activities and resources into one, easy-to-follow Curriculum Map! This will guide you through our Preschool Curriculum. And the best part? […]