Right off the bat, I know exactly what many of you are thinking – homeschool routine for TODDLERS?! And while that might sound odd at first, hear me out. A toddler homeschool routine does NOT mean you are printing and prepping all the worksheets and academic resources. It DOES mean that at this time, you […]
Homeschool Tips
Toddler Routine ChartSummer is here! While we aren’t exactly ending a traditional school year at our house, we are putting some of our routines on hold to allow more space for play and family time. However, that doesn’t mean our learning is coming to an end! To help us keep track of our daily practice while allowing […]
Homeschool Tips
How to Plan Play SchoolHey, friends! This blog post has moved! Please click the button below to visit the new blog post!
Homeschool Tips
2 Year Old Daily RoutineIf you are a momma of little ones, you KNOW what happens when you mess with the “usual”. The usual meal, the usual places, the usual people. Confusion comes into play and chaos erupts. So keeping a “usual” routine is super important to our family! Today I’d love to share our (flexible) 2 year old […]