Summer is here! While we aren’t exactly ending a traditional school year at our house, we are putting some of our routines on hold to allow more space for play and family time. However, that doesn’t mean our learning is coming to an end! To help us keep track of our daily practice while allowing plenty of freedom in how we spend our time, we’re using this handy little routine chart! If it works well for us this Summer, we’ll continue it into the next school year as well.
Toddler Routine
One thing I’ve noticed in the last few months with LG is that she really wants to take charge of her own practice and learning. This shouldn’t be any surprise considering she’s two and independent in every other aspect. Ha! Our morning practice time was becoming very combative. I had every activity carefully planned out for her, but often times she didn’t want to do a specific activity and wanted to practice that same skill in another way. So I thought we’d try out handing her the reigns and letting her choose from several activities practicing the same skill. So far, she loves getting to choose! (And of course, when she’s acting really “two” we put it all aside and go play instead. I’m certainly not interested in making her frustrated with learning at such a young age!)
Setting up this chart is super easy! First grab the chart FOR FREE in my TeachersPayTeachers store by clicking the image above! Then, print and laminate two copies of the chart. Keep one intact and cut apart the colored cards of the other chart. Attach Velcro to the pieces and boom! You have a super simple routine chart! We’ve placed ours in LG’s bedroom near her white board so we can see what we’ve accomplished throughout the day. Sometimes we knock it all out in the morning, and some days we spread it all out. Both work great and help us sneak in some academic practice here and there between our play times!
I hope this helps simplify your routine this Summer! While everyone loves the freedom that Summer brings, it can also be really tricky to have “free” time all day long. I’d love to hear from you if this chart helps you and your little one!