Homeschool Family Daily Routine
I don’t know about you, but I THRIVE on routine. I have routines for my morning, for meal prep, for work, and so much more. So of course, it only makes sense that my children thrive on routine as well. Today I’d like to share our daily routine as a homeschool family! I know that it will look a bit different from others, especially her sleep times. But that’s one of our favorite things about homeschool life – we are able to stick to a sleep routine that works best for our family!
We usually split up day up into 2 chunks, with a split in our day during baby sister’s naptime to split the 2. Below you’ll find the details about each chunk. I hope you find our daily routine to be helpful for you and your own kiddos!
Our Daytime Routine
9am Breakfast & Cartoons – We’re definitely night owls around here. So naturally, we’re later to wake in the morning! Both girls usually wake sometime between 8am and 9am, so we take things slowly at wake up time. We’ll get in our breakfast, cartoons, and coffee time with some snuggles while we fully wake!
10am Basket Time – If we don’t have early errands to run, I prefer to get our Basket Time in around 10am. If you read my post, you know we’ll call it “Basket Time” instead of “Morning Basket”. This keeps us from feeling pressured to skip extra activities in favor of keeping up with Basket Time in the morning. If we don’t get to it that morning, we just move it to lunch time or afternoon and that works out just fine!
11am Errands or Play Time – Our 11am hour varies depending on whether the day is a “home day” or not. We try to get in several “home days” each week. On those days, the girls go outside or play in their bedroom at 11am. This gives me a little time to sneak in some work or take care of house chores. If I’m really on my game that day, I might even get dinner started at this time by chopping veggies or tossing something into the crockpot.
If we do have errands to run or a play date with friends, this is the time I try to schedule everything for! This allows us to get in our Basket Time before we go (if we can) and either grab lunch on the go or pack lunches to take with us.
12:30pm Lunch Time – Lunch time is probably one of the only TRULY consistent aspects of our day. No matter what we’ve got going on that day, we always find ourselves hungry at about this time!
Our School Time/Nap Time Routine
1pm Tablework Time – The most recent change we’ve made to our daily rhythm is to move most of our table work to baby sister’s naptime. This has allowed me more one-on-one time with LG so that we can focus on more difficult skills without interruption. The first 2 tasks on LG’s school work checklist are activities she can complete on her own. So, she gets started with those around 1pm while I start getting baby sister ready for nap! When sister’s down, I come to the rescue for any questions or lessons that need more guidance from me!
2pm Reading Time – It has truly been SO nice to include about 30 minutes of independent reading into our afternoon! LG no longer naps but with such busy days, we both could use some rest time to curl up with a good book and a yummy snack. I’m not going to lie – I am a “go go go” kinda gal, so I’ve been trying to force myself to make a nice hot cup of coffee and join in the reading time as well.
2:30pm Quiet Play – Once LG has finished all of her school work and gotten in some good reading time, she has quiet play time. If the weather is nice, she can go play in the backyard while I work on the patio. Otherwise, this is a time for her to enjoy some quiet play that she can’t do as much when little sister is awake. She loves to paint, draw, build with her LEGOs, work on puzzles, and other quiet activities while I work on all things The Stay-at-Home Teacher!
Our Evening Routine
4pm Chores – Around this time, I get baby sister up from nap and we get working on chores! LG has a “Chores BINGO” chart to work on each week. During this time, she gets going with that while I do some tidying and handle some laundry, dishes, etc.
5pm Play Time – I never realized until recently, but getting dinner started by myself is SUCH a treat for me! Admittedly, I get overwhelmed trying to cook dinner, clean the kitchen, and keep up with the girls’ needs at the same time. So we implemented a play time at dinner prep that has been a GAME CHANGER. The girls either play in the backyard (I can see them from the kitchen) or in their bedroom. And I get to work on dinner with a hot cup of coffee or tea and a podcast or audiobook. It’s almost silly how much I love this time!
6pm to Bedtime – The rest of our evening is reserved for family time, home tasks, and resting! This is one of my favorite times of the day. Everyone is home and ready to enjoy each other’s company. We even started to include a little “LG Time” in the evening. This is when she can have one-on-one time with Momma or Daddy while baby sister gets settled in bed. This has definitely been a treat for us all!
I hope this daily routine offers a little bit of help while planning your days at home with your preschoolers! But remember – a routine is only helpful if it works for YOUR family. So please, take what works from this routine and make sure it fits your needs!
Let’s Hang Out!
I’d love to chat and get to know you better! Come hang out with us in some of our favorite places!
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