One of my very favorite things to do when it’s time to start a new thematic unit is to switch out our sensory bins! This theme is no exception in excitement! Below are some of the St. Patrick’s Day fine motor skills activities and sensory bins we’ll be using for the month of March! This […]

St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day Activities and Books for Little LearnersHappy March, my friends! I’ll be honest. I don’t usually get super pumped about March activities. It’s not that I don’t like them. But leaving behind Valentine’s Day activities and knowing that Easter is still so far away is kind of a bummer. But that’s different this year! We have SO many fun St. Patrick’s […]
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day Themed Activities For 4 Year OldsHappy March, my friends! I’ll be honest. I don’t usually get super pumped about March activities. It’s not that I don’t like them. But leaving behind Valentine’s Day activities and knowing that Easter is still so far away is kind of a bummer. But that’s different this year! We have SO much St. Patrick’s Day […]
St. Patrick's Day
Good Luck Charms Preschool Centers and ActivitiesJust when I thought our St. Patrick’s Day activities couldn’t get any cuter, I spied some ADORABLE Lucky Charms themed clipart and BAM. I was busy putting together a tasty little activities pack for LG. ha! I can’t WAIT to use these Good Luck Charms Preschool activities the week of St. Patrick’s Day, and I […]
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day Math and Literacy Activities for PreK and KindergartenHappy almost Spring, my friends! Down here in Texas, we’re already working our way back into the beautiful 60’s so it’s time to put away the Valentine’s Day resources and move right along! Next up? St. Patrick’s Day! We just can’t wait to get to work with all of our St. Patty’s themed activities! Read […]
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day Sensory BinsHappy March, y’all! I’m SO excited to spend a few weeks enjoying some St. Patrick’s Day themed sensory bins! There are SO many fun activities, so buckle up! *Please note this post does include links to several of my TpT resources, as well as Amazon affiliate links.* Rainbow Water Beads Water beads. Need I say […]